

Prototypes Prototype is “one manifestation of a design that allows stakeholders to interact with it and to explore its suitability”, useful when discussing or evaluating ideas with stakeholders; they are a communication device among team members, and an effective way for designers to explore design ideas” (Preece, Yvonne, & Sharp, 2015) Reflection on the Topic 1.       Prototypes are design or tested version made before actual products, so the designers can have basic ideas that their thought and reality come together work or not and make changes, updates based on the tested version before making actual products. 2.       “Prototypes are important tools in the development and production of new products. In the engineering design literature, prototypes are mainly perceived as tools for validating and verifying aspects of a design in the late stages of the design process” (Elverum & Welo, 2016) (Dai, Zhu, & Che...