Persuasive interface

Persuasive interface

“Interactive techniques have been used to entice, cajole, and persuade people to do something they might not have otherwise done.”, “in addition to using interactive technologies as a more targeted and personalized form of advertising, they can be used to change people's behaviors in non-commercial domains, such as safety, preventative healthcare, fitness, personal relationships, energy consumption, and learning” (Preece, Yvonne, & Sharp, 2015, p.129)

Reflection on the Topic

1.      Using interactive interface to persuade people about a topic is effective because it helps the users have both visual imagination and realistic examination about the topic. Let them see the real result and encouragements for good actions. Also, because interaction directly, they are more being attractive to the words presented themselves and follow the orders.
2.      “Technology offers unprecedented means to change users’ attitude or behavior because technology is an everyday presence for a large portion of the world’s population and can be accessed easily and quickly.”(Némery & Brangier, 2014)
(Némery & Brangier, 2014)
This example shows how using visual aid may help in persuade people easier when doing training work

My Thought

“Technology can be effective in changing people’s behaviors, it is just how we decide to use it effectively to make a great effort.” (Hoang, 2018)
“The influence of technology is a long-term process that does not only depend on the interface
but also on the user's personal characteristics.”(Némery & Brangier, 2014)

Reference List

Hoang, T. (2018, October 27). Module 5 Assignment 5 Persuasive interface.
Némery, A., & Brangier, E. (2014). Set of Guidelines for Persuasive Interfaces: Organization and Validation of the Criteria. Journal of Usability Studies, 9(3), 105–128.
Preece, J., Yvonne, R., & Sharp, H. (2015). INTERACTION DESIGN: Beyond human-computer interaction (4th ed.). West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.



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